The Rise of Darth Vader Tonight at Midnight!

It’s coming on Thursday and I can’t wait to watch the final episode!  Some fans, however, have lost their common sense waiting for this film by lining up since the beginning of the month!  While some have found their significant other in one of these geek lines, the prize for being the sillest must go to Sarah Sprague, who lined up at Hollywood’s Chinese Theatre.  There is only one problem with it–they’re not showing Star Wars there!  “Yeah we’ve heard that before,” she said, refusing to budge.  I’d hate to spend a month sleeping in tents, playing the same board games day in and day out, take showers with a towel and a bottle of water, and in the end, find out “Oops, wrong theatre!”

I have been a big fan.  The first time I saw Star Wars was when I was seven, when Star Wars: Empire Strikes Back came out.  I was a little shorter back then, and I remember walking next to my dad on our way to the theatre room when we passed by a cotton candy stand.  When I turned to plead my case for cotton candy, I realized next to me was not my dad but a stranger!  After some frantically searching for my family, I found my parents back at the cotton candy stand, purchasing some for us already.  What can I say?  All the long legs in motion looked the same to me back then…

I was way too young to watch the movie Empire Strikes Back, though, even at the rating of PG.  My recollection of the movie wasn’t much, but the scene of Han Solo getting processed into cryogenic storage would return in the form of nightmares.  My memory must have misencoded the movie, as the disturbingly realistic nightmares would compose of a dark space with cryogenic C3PO flying in the air, with eerily dim candles around.  I remember it to this day.

It didn’t deter my obsession for Star Wars, however.  After coming to the States, I watched Star Wars: A New Hope on HBO, and because I didn’t understand a word of that movie in English, my imagination filled in the conversations.  It didn’t deter me from my Star Wars craze, however.  I lived with my granduncle and many of the natives in his National Geographic magazines began holding light sabers thanks to my trusty erasers and my ability to draw light sabers with them.  It went downhills, however, once I started erasing eyes to make them glow, and eventually started erasing mustaches and Fu Manchu’s.

I was also obsessed with Darth Vader.  I simulated Darth Vader breathalizer by taking an empty jar and breathing heavily into it.  Darth Vader had the uncanny ability to breath and talk at the same time, so I resorted to recording the deep breathing and play it back as I talked into the jar.  My obsession didn’t end with the voice.  One time I saw the Darth Vader mask for sale at a grocery store and immediately fell in love!  Put on the mask, put on the Helmet, and voila!  Darth Vader.  I regretted not getting it though.  Recently I saw one for sale at Target for $40 that included a voice-changing device.  No more jars required!  I was soooo tempted to get one, but …  needed to tell myself budget minded.  budget minded.  budget minded.

There will never be another movie like Star Wars.  I can’t wait for the movie to come out, and hopefully, no more nightmares this time.  😎

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