The Blair Witch Project III?

Yesterday, a man got lost in the wilderness when he sensed something odd moving around him.  He glanced around but noticed nothing but odd-looking trees.  When he turned back to look for the path, a golem grabbed him and imprisoned him within a thick, coarse trunk.

After a few hours of struggling, he managed to free himself from the tree and lept from the tree.  The noise from the perfect 10 landing disturbed the sleeping golem, whose thunderous thumping resonated across the forest as he rushed to the scene.  Wittingly, the agile man climbed up another trunk and hid in the tree.

At an opportune moment when the golem looked away, the man lept from the tree and headed for the cliff, with the golem and his pounding steps rushing behind.  Left without a choice, the man said a quick prayer and lept from the top of the cliff, landed in the river, and climbed his way up a boulder.

With the fearless golem also leaping from the top of the water fall, the man quickly fled from the boulder and looked for a place to hide.

He noticed a cliff nearby, so he used his bare hands to climb up the cliff, Mission Impossible style.

At this point, the golem had swum toward the boulder, climbed atop it, made a thunderous roar, and looked around for the man.

At that point, a golem huntress leaped out from nowhere and strangled the golem to death.

That’s when the man noticed that at the end of the double-rainbow sat a mermaid on a stump!

He took her home and lived happily everafter. Okay, I think my story has officially gone downhills.  Anyway, overall it was a fun trip to the Snoqualmie Falls.


Reader Comments

  1. Yeah, is your bean still alive??


    (sorry, just had a cup of coffee…a little hyper here :P)

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