Okay, after hearing about the bunnies that flooded Greeklake, Karen and I decided to pay our tribute last weekend. There weren’t as many as Grace and Carol saw, perhaps they were taking an early July 4th vacation, but we managed to catch the few lazy ones that remained…
It was early in the morning, so a bunny did the morning cleanup, which was slightly faster than the 40 minutes I usually take in the morning…
Because the weather was nice, the squirrel joined the Fellowship of the Fuzzballs.
Every story has a villian, and on this day, a man who wanted to lay at the field wasn’t generous enough to share the field with these poor, innocent rabbits. He began chasing them away by flinging his jacket on the grass over and over again. The rabbits ran…
… and went hiding. Unfortunately some have not truly learned the art of stealth…
After a brief moment, the man settled at a corner of the field, so the rabbits developed enough courage to come crawling back. One rabbit got so much courage that he was “close and personal” to me, void of any fear of human contact. “What do you want, a glamour shot?!” So I took one…
Unfortunately I don’t have his email address, so I can’t send it to him. Maybe he can check find my xanga blog. Speaking of blogs, I better stop here before people accuse me of taking a page out of Grace’s blog. 😛
Hehe…I sucked you into the bunny world :). Now there’s no turning back! har har har…:) Cute glamor shot.
yap I didn’t see that many bunnies anymore since last week. not sure where did they go?! I like that ‘morning clean up’ shot. very cute!
the bunny snatchers.