Just to show how much Karen insists on enjoying the summer, here’s a little peak at her new-found habits from this stealth shot…
In case you missed it on the thermometer, let me give you a 1:1 crop of the interesting portion…
Anyone question her dedication of enjoying every summer’s day? 😎
(btw, as good as I may be at digital manipulation, I certify the authenticity of this picture)
i think there’s something wrong with your thermometer.
i second olivetheotherreindeer’s opinion. you know 50C is too hot to touch?
I didn’t have to touch it because it’s mounted on the external wall. Well, okay, the fact that it was sitting directly in the sun may have something to do with this reading…
I am out in the sun with my PowerBook again 🙂
maybe it’s the heat from the powerbook?! 😉