Happy New Year 2009!!

I recall attending a party one year where everyone was counting down to the start of a new year, and the festivities were extravagant, with dancing, cheering, and just a whole lot of fun. I was bringing down the house with all my fancy dance moves with all my friends cheering on as we celebrated the arrival of the new year. I didn’t have any champagne because I didn’t need alcohol to have a great time, and, well, I was also… 10 at the time so it was either Martinelli or Sprite.  Okay, okay, so maybe there wasn’t any fancy dance move either, just a weak version of the Running Man or the Moonwalk, as others laughed on, I’m sure. It is surprising, though, how much of our childhoods we carry with us. To this day the arrival of a new year seems incomplete to me unless a crowd of people celebrating, so we invited a few people over…

Here were some of the family and friends moments after New Year…

and some Happyfish brothers and sisters…

And a video to the countdown…

Along with a new year, it is also time to set some New Year’s Resolutions.  Some of you may have thought my last year’s resolutions were somewhat weak, so hopefully this year’s will be slightly better.

James Lee’s New Year’s Resolution for 2009:

  1. I will be a good daddy to Lia and give her gifts that she would want, such as XBOX 360.  For the record, just because Lia didn’t want me to have one doesn’t mean she doesn’t want one for herself!
  2. I will eat healthy and limit fast food, such as KFC, to five times a week.
  3. I will try not to scare Lia with the Little Drummer Tigger.
  4. I will prevent my house from looking like a Tornado has hit, and keep my yard from resembling the second Amazon Rain Forest.  Hmm… how old does Lia have to be before she can help mow the lawn?
  5. I will not jump off Chargers bandwagon even if they start off 4-8, and I will try not to grimace at the thought of the Mariners.
  6. I will continue to help Earth (and my wallet) by taking the bus to work everyday, and I will try driving Karen’s car at least once a week so we don’t need to jump it every time Karen needs to go out.
  7. I will be a good husband and invest in a Blu-Ray player, such as the PS3, so that we can have quality TV picture for our at-home movie nights.
  8. I will start our weekly family devotionals, even if we need to strap Lia to her high-chair to do so.
  9. I will have better time management and not be more than 3 hours late to any event.
  10. I will post at least one blog a week, even if I have to bore all my faithful readers to death with my stream-of-consciousness babbling about nothing.
And thus starts the year 2009.  Happy New Year!!

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