Upgraded Rat Trap

When my parents came to town to spend the week with us and attend Lia’s one-year celebration, they decided to bring a truckload of merchandise. The items include organic home-grown lemon, custom pureed flax seed multi-grain mix, green San Jose Race Crew 2007 T-shirts in all sizes, an air-powered keyboard from my childhood, and the last of which is the subject of this blog, an animal trap. My mom read about my rodent headache and decided that my mortifying rat-catching skills required assistance, so she unilaterally brought the trap my grandpa made.


Here’s the rodent’s perspective…


I was impressed. This device was constructed using simple parts, which included a wire frame, a door that snaps close by the aid of powerful springs, a bait hook that releases the door, and a sliding latch that ensures the door’s seal. According to my mom, she has caught every animal known to humans from her organic backyard, and whatever animal is lurking in my garage is no match for this device.

We shall see.

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