Potty Training

Karen had been attempting to potty train Lia in the past, but the attempts have been futile. Lia would sit on the potty for a short while, but as soon as she gets up she’d pee or poop, never in the potty.  Until recently.  A couple days ago, we employed the Chinese tactic, which was to let Lia walk around bare and without diapers, and surprisingly we’re reaping massive benefits.

First, Lia was in the bathroom and closed the doors on Karen saying “bye bye mommy!”, and the next thing Karen knew, Lia peed in the potty!  Then we let her walk around while the potty was on the hardwood floor where our kitchen and family room met.  When Lia had to go, she ran to the potty and sat down, every time!  Then to top it all, yesterday she hadn’t pooped all day, so we made her sit on the potty before going to bed, entertaining her with her favorite toy, the iPad. After a short while, we got:

Let’s hope this is not an isolated incident.

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