Overnight Bowling Star?

Bowling has been one of those sports that I have had mixed success. On Friday, my team had a morale event at the bowling alley where I showed off my exceptional skills by handily beating the other three players in my lane.  Now had I broken a hundred, it may have been a more satisfying experience, but I’ll take the win.  The second game I did better, scoring about 156.  However, in the third game I once again entered a (very) cold streak, but half way through the game, a coworker who was on a perpetual cold streak told me, “I’m now trying the spin.  It’s really fun… you should try it!”  Because I’m always up for a challenge (and because it would cover up my subpar start), I decided to take the plunge and learned “the bowling secret”.

Talk about night and day!  Not only did I fare better the second half, but before I left, I barely missed getting a turkey by getting “X X 9/” !  Just to check that it’s not a fluke, the next day Kari, Tim, Karen and myself went bowling, and using only spin shots, I played three games and never a game below 110.  Ok, I better stop before this starts sounding like an infomercial.  “If you call in the next 10 minutes, not only will I share this secret, but I’ll give you a free pair of bowling shoes, absolutely free…”

The game of bowling would never be the same again.  Anyone up for bowling?  😉

Reader Comments

  1. yea.. let’s go bowling! I’ll bring my ball and shoes… 😉 oh, did I say I have a ball and shoes.. um… some how the ball and shoes showed up around my room. 🙂

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