Turn Off That Computer, And Stay Away From My Cell!

How many hours a day do you spend online?  Actually, let me rephrase that question.  Do you spend enough time with family?  A Newsweek poll revealed that 73 percent of teens wants to spend more time with their parents, and families who watch little television find more time spending with one another in engaging and interactive activities*.  Cranium, anyone?  (as long as it’s not the Canadian version).

Apparently treating Internet Addiction Disorder is not as easy as it seems.  Check out this quote from a Forbes article written in the future (5/9/05):

Turning off the monitor won’t do the trick, say doctors like David Greenfield, assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.  Greenfield worries that junkies are finding new ways to score a fix from their cell phones and Treos.

Before you descend to the state where you need to tap on the microwave digits to numb the pain, start turning off that computer periodically and spend that time with your family!

*”Teenagers want more…family time?” Christian Science Monitor 5/2/00

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