
Ten Months, Sip, Sip!

Lia is now Ten months old! Now let’s see what she’s able to do according to the book What To Expect The First Year.

She should be able to:

  • Stand holding on to someone or something. Check!
  • Pull up to standing position from sitting.  Yup!
  • Object if you try to take a toy away. Uh huh!
  • Say “mama” or “dada” indiscriminately.  Yip!
  • Play peekaboo.  Yesiree!
  • Exchange back-and-forth gestures with you.  Yeah!

Will probably be able to:

  • Get into a sitting position from stomach. 
    Now when she wakes up at night, she goes into the sitting position and cries until she is picked up, hugged, and put back down.
  • Play patty-cake (clap hands) or wave bye-bye. 
    She can do both!
  • Pick up tiny object with any part of thumb and finger. 
    She does this with puffs…
  • Walk holding on to furniture. 
    A little…
  • Understand “no” (but not always obey it). 
    She understands no, but never obeys it.  😉

May possibly be able to:

  • Stand alone momentarily.
    Her max is 3 seconds.
  • Say “dada” or “mama” discriminately. 
    She says dada and mama so often it’s hard to tell…
  • Point to something to get needs met.

May even be able to:

  • Indicate wants in ways other than crying.
    Sort of.  She signed Milk!
  • “play ball” (roll ball back to you). 
    Not yet…
  • drink from a cup independently. 
    You be the judge…
  • Pick up a tiny object neatly with tips of thumb and forefinger.
    Sometimes, with puffs.
  • Stand alone well.
    Her max is 3 seconds.
  • Use immature jargoning.
    A little, but not sure.
  • Say one word other than “mama” or “dada”.
    She can say “up!”.
  • Respond to a one-step command with gestures.
  • Walk well.
    Definitely not.

So regarding the drinking from a cup, we have this clip to show…


Tent Camping… at home

From time to time, we needed to bring Lia somewhere and have her take a nap, but it can be difficult to sleep in a strange bed. At first we looked into a playpen, but Karen found a better product with high ratings: a tent. It contains an inserted inflatable air mattress at the bottom to keep the tent comfortable, and we’ve been putting Lia in it once a day. Here was a clip of when Lia woke up from a tent session…

Rumor has it that Jujube also has her own tent, so maybe next time she can camp with Lia!