

Karen had her first ever ultrasound, where for around 10 mins a technician probed every angle she could and identified various parts of the baby. While some parent may unleash as much tears as the Alaskan River at the view of the black and white blur, Karen and I endured the session until the one image that we cared about most arrived…

Boy or girl? You didn’t think I’d make it *that* easy, did you?  🙂  Now let the guessing game begin!

(Click on the image for a larger view. Hint: Pretend the baby is sitting on a glass table, and the picture is taken from the bottom)


Boy or Girl?

We will be having our first ultrasound on Tuesday, when the truth shall be revealed. Which will it be? Boy or girl?

To help you make this ponderous call, here are some answers to old wives’ tales …

  • Shiny and full bodied hair or thinner and stringer
  • Leg hair growing faster or at the same rate as before
  • Nails growing faster or at the same rate
  • Severe or no morning sickness
  • Craving for sweet or sour
  • Tush growing in size or remains unchanged
  • Feet colder now or always this way
  • Baby heart rate below 139 or above 140
  • Craving or no craving for orange juice
  • Baby rests high or low
  • Tummy shaped like beach ball or watermelon
  • More kicks to the left or right
  • More kicks high or low
  • Dad is or is not gaining weight in sympathy
  • See or do not see the pregnancy on Karen’s face

The poll closes on Tuesday at 1pm.  Vote now in the poll to the right of this page!


Garden d’Light!

Karen, Lia, and myself went to the “Garden d’Light” at the Bellevue Botanical Garden. The lights and designs were gorgeous…

Along the way there were many neat patterns, such as these colorful tulips…

Or this spider web…

Unfortunately Lia wasn’t too crazy about being a model…

But nothing a little snack wouldn’t fix…

After that, getting her to smile was a challenge…

Then we visited the cafe, which had a nice aquarium behind a glass…

It was drizzling quite a bit, but I took advantage of what nature provided…

Unfortunately taking pictures of a toddler can be a daunting task, so we only talked through part of the garden before they shut the lights on us.

To see higher quality versions of these photos, go to the Garden d’light section of the photo gallery!


Jujube’s 2nd Birthday

We had a little celebration at Kindermusik in Redmond, where we enjoyed a short musical program involving music, toys, and gymnastics.


It started with some xylophones…


And then moved on to horsey…


And then to ribbons…


And some maracas…


And then some Hula hoops…


A little story time…


And then some bouncy balls…


And then the parachute…


Then we sang the birthday song…


And took group photos…


And that was the end of the fun-filled birthday event. Happy birthday Jujube!

Check out the Jujube 2nd Birthday photo gallery for more photos of Jujube’s Birthday Celebration!


Updated Photo Album

After stagnating for a year, it’s time to refresh the photo albums!  Here are some of the new albums added:

Denver Vacation
Chloe’s One Month Party
Grace’s Baby Shower
Halloween Costume Party
Mom’s Birthday

These days I don’t take as many pictures as I normally do at each event, as I need to watch Lia, but I do make an effort! All albums are always available from the Photos link on the right side.